En aquesta pàgina resumim els fets que reben una cobertura més extensa a Global Voices.
Bany de sang a Egipte
Morsi's one-year reign as the President of Egypt has come to an end. Massive, coordinated protests calling for the senior leader of the Muslim Brotherhood to resign, swept across the country on June 30, 2013. Within three days, the Egyptian military responded by suspending the constitution and appointing an interim replacement for Morsi.
El tifó Haiyan devasta les Filipines
On November 8, 2013 the devastating storm super typhoon Haiyan hit the islands of Central Philippines, caused a tsunami-like surge to kill more than 4000 people in an instant. Thousands more have been stranded in a wasteland that used to be their homes.
Europa en crisi
This special coverage aims to give a voice to those normal people living with the social, political and financial consequences of Europe's financial bailouts, in Greece, Ireland and Portugal. But the series will not just be about protest – we hope to capture the breadth of reflection and debate that have been provoked in these countries by the bailouts, and feature ideas and alternatives that respond to the difficult times.
L'Iran segons periodistes i escriptors iranians a l'estranger
Global Voices co-founder Ethan Zuckerman defines “bridge figures” as people who are passionate about explaining their home cultures to people from other societies. The concept was developed through the deep roots it has in Global Voices, and defines much of the work and ethos of the community. Since our Iran coverage aims…
La Revolta del Vinagre al Brasil
El que va començar com una protesta a Sao Paulo en què un grup s'oposava a l'augment del preu de les tarifes de l'autobús, s'ha convertit en un gran moviment de protesta a tot el Brasil contra la prioritat que el govern dona als preparatius de la Copa del Món del 2014.
Protestes #Euromaidan a Ucraïna
Allò que va començar a la capital ucraïnesa, Kíev, en forma de manifestacions a favor de la Unió Europea i que va passar desapercebut als mitjans de comunicació occidentals, ara s'ha convertit en un moviment massiu per “recuperar el país”.
Sobreviure a Síria
Our Special Coverage aims to highlight the faces of strength and survival rising from the deadly conflict that is raging in Syria.