Articles de 9 gener 2013
Les millors històries del 2012 a Global Voices
Social media around the globe has been buzzing with important stories that have been missed by mainstream media, and we've been filling that void all year. Here are some highlights from our 2012 coverage.
La blocosfera cubana dóna la benvinguda al nou any
L'any 2012 a la Internet cubana va estar marcat per la visita del Papa, el pas del devastador huracà Sandy i la polèmica regulació dels usos públics de la música. L'extensió de l'accés a Internet també va marcar l'agenda digital.
Myanmar: 2012, any de manifestacions
Aung San Suu Kyi’s election victory, the reported persecution of the Rohingya people and President Barack Obama’s state visit were probably what the international community remembered about Myanmar in 2012. But reviewing the stories which we published in the past year, we can also declare that 2012 was a breakthrough year of protests in Myanmar.